Set a “No” Goal

If you're in sales in any industry, odds are you have some sort of sales goals to hit. Whether you're striving for a dollar amount of product sold or you're making cold calls selling insurance, there's a goal.

I want to give you an additional type of goal to try... along with your $5,000 in sales or 8 yes's for a quote, make a "No" goal.

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The yes's & the dollars lift the pressure and you let up. You hit your goal for the day/week/month and you kickback & slack until it's time to start from scratch. But if you make your "No" goal high enough (& you know where the number needs to be), even if you hit that positive goal, you will keep striving for those "no"s and then end up in better shape come quota time.

It's the same reason this Seth Godin post is true:

Title: Two simple secrets to good ideas:

"Secret #1 is the biggest one: More bad ideas. The more bad ideas the better. If you work really hard on coming up with bad ideas, sooner or later, some good ideas are going to slip through. This is much easier than the opposite approach..."

Thank you for reading!


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