The Windshield In Your Life
Look AT the windshield: you wreck.
Look at your rear view mirror: you wreck.
Look THROUGH the windshield: you’re golden.
The windshield represents the not so great cards you were dealt in life and all your excuses; The things that are right in front of your face every day that you use to tell yourself why you aren't where you want to be.
(Ex: "I can't _________ because I don't know where to start" OR "My dad wasn't in my life growing up so it's harder for me", all the BS)
Focus on those things too much and you're going to be stagnant your whole life. Train yourself to see right through them.
The rear view mirror? Obviously if you spend too much time focusing on your past, you will be blinded by it. You have to focus on your destination, the end goal.
You do that & just keep moving forward and you’ll get where you’re going.
More focus on solutions. Less focus on your problems.